Theft Offenses


Theft involves the taking of something that belongs to another without consent, including property or services. Theft can be referred by several different terms depending on the circumstances surrounding the offense, such as theft by fraud, larceny, robbery and shoplifting.

  • Theft by fraud usually involves using a false statement to obtain money or property, such as credit card fraud, Internet fraud, identity theft, forgery and computer fraud.

  • Larceny generally means taking something with the intent to permanently deprive someone of their property, including embezzlement.

  • Burglary involves breaking and entering into a home or other building or structure with the intent to commit a crime inside.

  • Robbery generally involves taking property from the person of another by force or threat, and includes such things as mugging or extortion.

  • Shoplifting, of course, usually means stealing from a store.

Theft convictions can result in very serious sentences and in a person being identified as a liar and a thief for life. In addition to a possible term of incarceration, you may also be required to pay restitution. That is, you could be required to pay back whatever you were alleged to have taken. Depending on the amount of restitution and your ability to pay, it could take years to pay-off a restitution debt.


If you have been charged with a theft offense, you need to retain an experienced attorney with the skills to effectively and persuasively defend any theft, robbery or burglary charge. Please call 216.225.9181, Email, or use the contact form to schedule an initial consultation.